Monthly Averages and Totals for August 2024
*Anomaly figures compare values to 30 year averages*
Anomaly |
Date |
Temperatures |
(ยบ C) |
Mean monthly |
17.4 |
+0.3 |
Warmest day |
28.7 |
12th |
Coldest day |
17.1 |
25th |
Average maximum |
22.0 |
+0.4 |
Warmest night |
17.4 |
12th |
Coldest night |
7.9 |
30th |
Average minimum |
12.8 |
+0.3 |
Lowest Grass Minimum |
2.4 |
17th |
Rainfall |
(mm) |
Total |
21.6 |
33% |
Rain days > 0.2mm |
12 |
Wettest day |
4.2 |
23rd |
Wet days>1.0mm |
8 |
Longest dry period |
4 days |
Very wet days > 5.0mm |
0 |
28th to 31st inclusive |
Sunshine |
(hr) |
Total |
162.1 |
93% |
Sunniest day |
12.3 |
16th |
Days without sunshine |
1 |
Longest period without sun |
1 day |
Days with: |
Air frosts |
0 |
Snowfall |
0 |
Ground frosts |
0 |
Snow lying |
0 |
Fog |
0 |
Gales |
0 |
Thunder |
1 |
Hail |
0 |
Average relative humidity at 0900hr |
72% |
Highest sea level pressure |
1025mb |
31st |
Average sea level pressure @ 0900hr GMT |
1013.5mb |
-1.9 mb |
Lowest sea level pressure |
1002 mb |
23rd |
Average monthly wind |
6.2 mph |
+0.2 mph |
Maximum Wind Gust (mph) |
36 |
23rd |
30 year climatological normal period 1981-2010
Records date back to: temperatures 1892
rainfall 1870sunshine 1894
0900hr GMT standard Met Office time for climatological readings