The Met Office house one of their automatic computerised data loggers (CDL) at our playing fields at Bablake in Coundon, Coventry.
This stands alongside our own CDL automatic weather station in the weather enclosure, automatically sending data directly to the Met Office.
The temperature sensors for both stations are housed in the same Stevenson Screen, though there are 2 separate automatic rain gauges, as well as a manual 5" rain gauge, used to calibrate both AWS gauges.
There are two separate wind vanes and anemometers, one for the MO and one for us!
The Met Office equipment records soil temperatures for agricultural users at 10cm 30cm & 100cm but only at 0900hr each day, whereas the Bablake AWS records soil temperatures for every hour at 10cm 20cm 30cm 50cm and 100cm depths.
The Met Office record sunshine duration, and solar radiation, though it does not record atmospheric pressure, though the Bablake CDL does log pressure!